Picture of Admin Dlearning
by Admin Dlearning - Thursday, 3 October 2024, 10:11 AM
Anyone in the world

Dear participants

We welcome you to the CHPE Fall 2024. To make this journey more meaningful we advise you to follow the guidelines provided and try to meet the expectations mentioned below.

  1. The program for all participants starts on Monday Oct 07, 2024, which means, even if your face to face session is scheduled for later, your course has started on MOODLE. At the start of course you will be assigned to a distant learning study group (DLSG) and a dedicated tutor to facilitate your learning during the course.
  2. Start getting comfortable with the use of laptop/ desktop. All your learning activities will mandate the use of technology, so the sooner you acclimatize yourself, the better.
  3. Remember your log in ID and password and visit your program regularly on Moodle.
  4. Right from day 1, be familiar with your tutor, who will also be introducing himself/herself to you. Maintain contact with tutors through Moodle/email, and as decided by your tutor. Your tutor will always be there for your guidance and to provide timely feedback on your tasks. Respect personal space and contact them on cell only during working hours unless they allow otherwise.
  5. Discuss concepts, ideas and readings with your friends and colleagues. Such interactions promote deeper learning.
  6. During the course, you will be required to provide input in the form of discussion boards, quizzes and assignments. For Discussion Boards your 100% participation will be mandatory. Your week will start with a new trigger on discussion board, your input will be graded at the end of each week. Discussion must be threaded and steered in a meaningful way, exploring the concept under discussion, providing evidence from literature. Your tutor will contribute to discussion from time to time for guidance and clarity of concept. Remember the discussion has to be amongst group members using the dashboard. Your comment should not be in isolation. The discussion Board will be periodically monitored by the course coordinator and program directors.
  7. It is mandatory, to attend Zoom session for each course where key concepts will be discussed, and they will be assessed.
  8. Other activities requiring student’s responses during online courses are quizzes and assignments. Always go through the weekly learning resources before attempting your tasks. Delayed submission of any task due to unavoidable reasons will be done only through email with info to course coordinator. Submission of delayed assignment to tutor can also be done through email with info to course coordinator.
  9. It is expected from all participants to do the tasks on their own. Abstain from copy pasting responses of your colleagues and from internet. Similarity of responses to another participant will be regarded as plagiarism (wherever applicable) and cancelled.

Start applying new knowledge to your context and at your institutes. This will be hands on learning and will help you become the change agent that this program hopes you to become!

 Hope you enjoy this roller coaster ride! Best of luck.

[ Modified: Thursday, 3 October 2024, 10:16 AM ]